Investigation of Slow Light in Single Mode Fibres (SMF) for the Basis of Stimulated Brillouin Scattering and the Application in Sensing.


  • Douglas Osiemo
  • G. Mosoti
  • Dr. Muguro
  • David Waswa


nonlinear optics, single mode fibre (SMF), Stimulated Brillouin Scattering (SBS), slow light


Stimulated Brillouin scattering is one of the hottest technologies used to generate slow light in optical fibres, which is also a simplest and most applicable method. In this paper we have investigated slow light based on Stimulated Brillouin Scattering theoretically using optisystem in SMF_ Standard, Large area, Reach and Reduced slope. The effect of varying pump power and temperature on the signal were investigated. Variation of delay of the signal with pump power and temperature in SBS slow light was studied. Theoretical simulation has shown that there is signal delay with pump power and temperature with reduced slope fibre being the best for slow light. Since SBS slow light is temperature dependent, temperature sensing can be realized by measuring the time delay. Thus fibre-sensing can be possible by measuring the delay of the probe pulse. This phenomenon can be put to use in smart optical sensing mechanism for distributed measurement since the scattered
light depends on external parameters such as temperature, the pressure or the strain applied to the fibre and modern telecommunication. This study is of great significance in designing of Brillouin based sensors for distributed sensing.

Author Biography

Douglas Osiemo

Department of Physics, University of Eldoret (UoE)


