Rotating Machine Based Power Optimization and Prioritization Using the Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm


  • L. Mogaka
  • D.K. Murage
  • J. Saulo


ABC algorithm, islanding, power prioritization and optimization


t-The cascading of electric power failures and blackouts are the most significant threats to the security and reliability of the power systems. For a long time now, the world has encountered many power blackouts as a result of these cascading failures. These cascading scenarios pose great risks towards the integrity of power system network, and this may finally lead to the splitting of the power system into various unintentional islands. Hence, intentional or controlled islanding is then utilized as a preventive measure to minimize the losses caused by unintentional islanding of the powersystem. Thus, by doing this, the entire power system is split into controlled island regions for easy handling and control. In such situation, each islanded region should have sufficient generation to supply its loads in order to remain operative and stable. It should also be pointed out that intentional islanding is very important as it can prevent the system from a total collapse.
The distributed generators supplying these islands may not be able to maintain the voltage and frequency within desired limits in the
distribution system when it is islanded within the islanded micro grid. There may be a power deficit within the island and eventually we
have to shed some loads for the sake of stability of the system. Hence the main challenge here is to determine the appropriate and reliable
method to optimize the power supply and the load demand within the island and thus maintain the voltage and frequency within the desired
limit. In this study we focused on the minimum load amount for shedding within the islanded region and the prioritization of the buses for
shedding so that electricity supply to customers could be maximized using ABC algorithm. From the results obtained, the ABC algorithm
was successfully applied for solving the optimization and prioritization problems. Among the many advantages of ABC algorithm over other
algorithms which makes it suitable in this application include; it is easily implemented, flexible, has few control parameters, easily hybridized with other optimization algorithms and can be modified very easily to suit a given application. This was simulated in MATLAB and SIMULINK using IEEE fourteen bus systems.

Author Biographies

L. Mogaka

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, TUM

D.K. Murage

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, JKUAT

J. Saulo

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, TUM


