Optimal Placement of FACTS Devices using Voltage Stability Indices


  • A.M Mutegi
  • P.K Kihato
  • C.M Muriithi
  • M.J. Saulo


FACTS, optimal, Security-Constrained and Versatile


Power System Voltage stability remains a major challenge for power utilities across the world. This research uses static load flow methods namely the voltage stability indices to come up with an optimal placement of FACTS devices in the weak and heavily loaded buses for voltage stability improvement. The research shall be done by the use of Power System Analysis Toolbox (PSAT) software that runs on MATLAB’s environment on the IEEE 39-Bus 10-Generator test system.

Author Biographies

A.M Mutegi

Department of Electrical Engineering, JKUAT

P.K Kihato

Department of Electrical Engineering, JKUAT

C.M Muriithi

Department of Electrical Engineering, TUK

M.J. Saulo

Department of Electrical Engineering, TUM


