The complexity and uncertainty involved in Mine Planning and Design


  • S. O. Ombiro
  • D. M. Akisa


mine planning and design, geological model, drilling, uncertainties, parameters


Despite the technological advancements in the mining industry, the process of mine planning and design is still complex. In addition, mining has been and is still considered as one of the riskiest industries to invest in. These are due to the fact that it (mining) is associated with enormous uncertainties. That is, it is almost impossible to know the exact parameters of mineral deposits (mineralized zones) and the characteristics of the rocks that host the ore deposit before the actual mining is started. Even if mining has started, it is not easy to estimate the exact extends of a mineral deposit and its associated parameters. This means that designing and planning of mining activities and operations is based on estimated parameters rather the actual ones. This research paper reviews these complexities and uncertainties.

Author Biographies

S. O. Ombiro

Department of Mining, Material and Petroleum Engineering, JKUAT

D. M. Akisa

Department of Mining, Material and Petroleum Engineering, JKUAT.


