Design and Characterization of a Hybrid Flat Plate Photovoltaic-Thermal System


  • Ondara Wycliffe Nyariki
  • David M. Mulati
  • David M. Maina


hybrid, photovoltaic, solar, thermal


A variety of solar energy systems have been designed to harness sun power to produce both thermal and electric energy. Hybrid photovoltaic /thermal (PV/T) solar systems can concurrently provide electric energy and heat, thereby ensuring a higher conversion rate of the absorbed solar radiation. With proper designing, the PV/T systems can minimize the temperature effects on efficiency of a PV module by cooling it. In this paper, we present TRNSYS simulation results for a hybrid PV/T system for domestic water applications for a typical Kenyan family of five. Further, the results of the constructed PV/T system as predicted by the simulations are outlined and discussed. The PV/T system was constructed from polycrystalline silicon module available in the Kenyan market and coupled with water heat extraction unit. The
resultant PV/T system was found to meet 47% of the hot water demand for family of five. With a payback period of 5.2 years, the PV/T system gives a lifetime cost saving of about Kshs.85941. The combined system efficiency range is between 37 and 62%. These figures are quite promising and they indicate that the PV/T system can be economically viable for a typical Kenyan household of five persons especially when electricity and hot water are required for domestic applications.

Author Biographies

Ondara Wycliffe Nyariki

Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology,College of Architecture and Engineering University of Nairobi

David M. Mulati

Department of Physics, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

David M. Maina

Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology,College of Architecture and Engineering University of Nairobi


