A study of yarn imperfections for basofil/cotton rotor spun yarn


  • Mwasiagi Josphat Igadwa
  • Mirembe Jacquirine
  • Agulei Karen Desta
  • Edison Omollo


Basofil, cotton, yarn imperfections, rotor speed, opening roller speed, twist factor


A rotor spun yarn of 50/50 Basofil/cotton blend ratio was spun, and a study of the influence of rotor speed, opening roller speed and twist factor (TF) on the yarn total imperfections (Neps, thin places and thick places) were investigated using statistical models. The results obtained in this research work indicated that an increase of opening roller speed increased thin places/km but decreased neps and thick places/km. Neps, thick and thin places/km increased with increase of TF. Increase of rotor speed decreased neps and thick places/km, but increased thin places/km. The combined effect of two variables yielded lower neps and thick places/km for low rotor speed and high TF values but higher rotor speed and lower TF gave low thin places/km. Low opening roller speed and high TF gave low neps and thick places/km but low opening roller speed and low TF values gave low thin places/km. High rotor speed and high opening roller speed values gave low neps and thick places/km. Low thin places/km can be obtained by using high rotor speed and low opening roller speed.

Author Biographies

Mwasiagi Josphat Igadwa

Moi University, Eldoret

Mirembe Jacquirine

Moi University, Eldoret

Agulei Karen Desta

Moi University, Eldoret

Edison Omollo

Technical University of Kenya, Nairobi


